Saturday, September 13, 2014

Social Work

So I never in a million years envisioned myself doing social work and although it is not a end goal for me I acknowledge the importance it has in our workforce. A social worker/case management is one of the many "hats" that my job requires of me. I had heard that social work was hard but I paid no mind and never let that thought cross my mind. Now after being at my job for a few weeks, I'm realizing that social work is very challenging. What I am finding the most challenging is the emotional piece that I am subjected to being the case manager for 100+ clients.  I have to exude compassion because many of my clients are not in good circumstances but at the same time, I have to be composed.  It is really sad to see what life circumstances people have gone through in their life that were either in or out of their control and how those circumstances led them to the situation that they are in now. I can relate to that. I was fortunate to use some of the worst life circumstances that I've had to my advantage but for some people I see it only got worse. This emotionally draning to see and hear and wish that I could have all the answers to the issues that people have.

In addtion, some clients also see me as another obstacle in their way instead of trusting me and in the process of what the organization I work for requires of the clients. That is not the case for most clients but I do have a handful. So I am learning how to built trust with some of my clients and also learning how not to be taken advantage by other clients. When in doubt, I give anyone the benefit of the doubt until I am proven otherwise, that is something I am practicing strenuously.
This job is not easy, I was naive in thinking so and I have a mantra that I tell myself during work:

I am kind.
I am compassionate.
I am patient.
I am blessed.
I will help others.

This balance of being compassionate and yet not letting my client's stories consume me is what I am practicing. I think if anything it makes me want to be more of an advocate for the issues that they face.

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