Monday, September 1, 2014


In the back of my mind I always have this seed planted in my head from the first day that I arrived that at any given time I could experience an earthquake and what I should do if I do experience it. I guess coming from the East Coast and especially  an area that has no real big threats except snow storms, (but even those are given in an advanced warning) I never had to wonder well would this be the day that I experience this major force of destruction. I wouldn't say my land placement phobia is extreme but it is present. I commend those that live in California and would rather live with the idea of a possible earthquake than the weather threats of a four seasoned climate. I for one, don't know if I'd be able to permanently stay in California for my semi irrational fear of where I am living and it's risk of experiencing such a thing.

This is not to say that I don't things like this couldn't happen elsewhere but to me it's like why would I live somewhere where the chances are greater than other areas? -that's my final thought. 

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